Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Assumption of Mary (Understanding Catholics)

Since Mary Denied her Creator nothing;
since she allowed herself to be wounded
in the most bittersweet and excruciating ways,
she is now denied nothing by her Creator.

And that is why many Catholics, Muslims, and people of all faiths ask for her intervention.
It is similar to asking your grandmother to pray for you.

Legend and mystics tell us that she endured all the suffering that Christ did.
She was with him in experiencing the piercing of his head with thorns,
she was enduring with him the soldier's lance into his side.
She asked for this co-suffering specifically, imploring her Creator that it would be more painful for her to watch her son endure these trials than to endure them with him.
 I understand that thinking. Do you have children?

Since she was so loyal and true, she is now given all she asks.

The Assumption of Mary

The Creator is her Love, her Spouse, her Family.
Since she went through death with Christ, faithfully,
she was lifted into heaven, body along with soul.
She imitated Christ in her own will; after her death she was given the same honor as her Son.
That is why her body was not left to undergo corruption until the final transformation
when all things will be Made New;
Instead her Spouse lifted her.
The ancient texts indicate that her tomb was enveloped in woundrous divine scents and odors; that animals paid homage ( See THIS LINK and THIS LINK)
When these miracles ended, the tomb was opened and her body was gone. Some saints describe the assumption as they perceived it in visions.

You are not required to believe this as a catholic. It is merely a beautiful gift of knowlege that one might read about and ponder if one wishes.
whatever it is, will be shown to all eventually. No need to get agitated or disturbed in the least.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

ash wednesday

Ash Wednesday Morning

Day’s beginning before the dawn:

Hurrying with children to dress and eat,

To feed the dogs and zip the backpacks,

To make the holy journey together.

We entered church just after seven

And worked together to set the table:

A multi-colored cloth with fishes;

A purple-black candle I made myself;

Some stones from last year;

Dried flowers from last Sunday;

And then the ashes in a tarnished silver dish.

(I liked its look,

Worn and softened by time and hands.)

My children, marked with signs of God,

Went on to school and friends and teachers.

So few understood the mark they wore--

Would I have known, long, long ago?

A Baptist girl who “didn’t do” Lent

Now makes the sign on hands and heads.

She makes the sign and speaks the words:

Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010



is one
extraordinary place to read divinely inspired words.
60 seconds a day.


So glad to be here.
Has anyone else stopped complaining about things this week since HAITI?
How long does this last? remember the Tsunami?
Remember the Sudan? and Darfur?

satan is unable to penetrate a Heart full of Gratitude.